Kit car assembled in the British Airways i360 viewing tower pod
How do you make the launch of a new model kit car more exciting? Assemble it against the clock 450ft up in the air that’s how.
Caterham Cars’ new lightweight Seven 170 was put together in the British Airways i360 Viewing Tower pod overlooking the sea at Brighton. The Big Build Challenge took a team of engineers just six hours of diligence when it usually takes one enthusiast 100 entertaining hours to complete.
SPAL MD Matthew Morris admired the mechanical wizardry of the feat particularly as it was pulled off while the pod was rotating.
He said: “This was such a fun and inventive way to launch a new car. It is one thing to come up with a wacky idea but a whole other level to make it happen.”
>> Full story here: “Every Caterham car is fitted with a SPAL fan”
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